1996 - 1999 Survey

The MRC Gay Men’s Sexual Health Survey was originally set up to evaluate the Gay Men’s Task Force (GMTF), a bar-based, peer-led, community-level intervention designed to promote sexual health and reduce sexual risk behaviours among gay men in Glasgow.  The GMTF intervention involved three elements: peer-led sexual health promotion on the commercial gay scene; gay-specific genitourinary medicine (GUM) services in both hospital and gay community settings; and a free-phone ‘hotline’ providing sexual health information and details of local sexual health services.  During the intervention peer educators interacted with 1484 men and new clients increased at GUM.  Overall, GMTF did not produce the community-wide changes in sexual health behaviours that it was designed to.  The only significant intervention effects were amongst men who had direct contact with the intervention, with higher uptake of hepatitis B vaccination and HIV testing.


Hart GJ, Williamson LM, Flowers P. Good in parts: the Gay Men’s Task Force in Glasgow – a response to Kelly. AIDS Care 2004;16:159-165


Elford J, Hart G, Sherr L, Williamson LM, Bolding G. Peer led HIV prevention among gay men in Britain: expanding the evidence base [editorial]. Sexually Transmitted Infections 2002;78ID - 2502:158-159

Flowers P, Hart G, Williamson L, Frankis J, Der G. Does bar-based, peer-led sexual health promotion have a community-level effect amongst gay men in Scotland?. International Journal of STD & AIDS 2002;13:102-108


Hart G, Williamson L, Flowers P, Frankis J, Der G. Gay men's HIV testing behaviour in Scotland. AIDS Care 2002; 14:665-674.

Williamson LM, Hart GJ, Flowers P, Frankis J, Der G. The Gay Men's Task Force: the impact of peer education on the sexual health behaviour of homosexual men in Glasgow. Sexually Transmitted Infections 2001;77:427-432


2014 Survey

We have completed our 2014 survey in Glasgow, Edinburgh and this year, Dundee!  A huge amount of thanks goes to all the men who took part and to the venues and research partners who supported our work.

We've written up the findings from our 2011 survey. You can see a summary of the findings and the published papers on our 2011 findings page.